You can play it for a while in its vanilla form and it really is great fun! THE POWER!!! So assuming you have a licenced copy of GTA5 and you are then good to go! Just go to the LSPDFR website and download and install it. However, the modding scene led by the likes of Albo1125 and promoters of the format such as Jeff Favignano on YouTube demonstrate this is not going away anytime soon, if anything due to the popularity of GTArp on Twitch many of the LSPDFR mods have found their way into FiveM (a GTA5Mod that synchronises multiplayer modifiable private game servers with economies jobs and of course COPS!).

I have played a lot of LSPDFR for those who do not know it is a mod that can be used with GTA5 to allow you to play a cop.