If you want to use your voice-to-text on iPhone to do more than send a quick text or add an item to a list, you'll want to enable iPhone dictation. You can also try using Siri to add events to the Calendar app, create reminders in the Reminders app, and even dictate a brief email. If the text is incorrect you can say "edit" to begin the text over again.If you're happy with the text, say, "Yes." and Siri will send the text to your contact.Siri will then read the text back to you and ask if you're ready to send it.Start dictating right away, or wait for Siri to respond with, "What do you want to say?".Say, "Hey, Siri, send a text to," and then say your contact's full name as written in your Contacts list.Talk-to-text on your iPhone is incredibly helpful when sending a text message. How to Use Siri Text-to-Speech to Send a Text

Common Voice-to-Text Commands for Dictation.How to Use Siri Text-to-Speech to Send a Text.